2019 Men’s Conference
Holy Name of Jesus, Indialantic, FL
Living as Sons of God
Sponsored by the Live4More men of
Holy Name of Jesus and Saint John the Evangelist
Have you ever felt that there must be more to life? What drives us? Are we really living for more? Are we living as sons of God or as sons of the world? How do we live with purpose and find peace as Catholic men in today’s church and especially in our daily lives in today’s culture?
All men are invited!
Fr. Scott Circe, Holy Name of Jesus
Fr. Ben Lehnertz, Holy Family
Fr. Blake Britton, St. Mary’s
Come explore the answers to these and other questions and enjoy quality time with your brothers as together we pray, worship and hear from these three amazing priests: Fr. Scott, Fr. Ben and Fr. Blake.
Saturday September 28, 7:30 AM - 12:00 PM
We will gather in the Life Center Hall for fellowship, Mass, breakfast, inspiring talks, discussion, praise and worship as we explore together as brothers what it means to be Living as Sons of God!