Men's Night @ HNJ
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“A three-ply cord is not easily broken.”…Brothers better together
Bishop Verot Council #5845
Transforming the Culture
What does it mean to be Heroic Men?
Deacon Vince Eberling
of the Archdiocese of Miami
Thursday October 20 ~ 6:30 - 8:00 PM
HNJ Life Center Café
Holy Name of Jesus, Indialantic, Florida
All men are invited!
Sign Up Today using the Form Below!
Topic: What does it mean to be Heroic Men? What can we possibly do to transform this culture? Ministry to Men? Where are we now? Where are we going? How do we get there?
Invitation: Come join in faith, fellowship, and formation with brothers in Christ as we contemplate our response to the secular culture of our time.
Deacon Vince Eberling has served as a Deacon in the Archdiocese of Miami for 33 years. He is married to Teresa for 53 years. They have 3 children, 8 grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren. His passion is to build strong Catholic Ministries to Men in every Diocese and every Parish. In 2001, he started a men’s bible study in his parish of only 12 men which has since grown into 3 bible studies. In 2011, he founded the Miami Catholic Men’s Conference and is a charter member and regional director for the Catholic Men’s Leadership Alliance.
Dinner is followed by worship, Deacon Vince’s presentation, discussion and prayer! Come be inspired! Bring a friend!
All men are invited!
Sign Up Today using the Form Below!
We ask that you please register so that we can provide enough food and seating for all. Thank you!
Cash donations are welcomed to help cover the costs of this event or you can Support Us with a secure on-line donation!