Men's Night @ HNJ
Sponsored by
Go to Joseph!
A Witness to the power of devotion to St. Joseph
Presented By…
Mr. John Tucker, Jr.
Parishioner, Holy Name of Jesus
Thursday March 20 ~ 6:30 - 8:00 PM
HNJ Life Center Café
Holy Name of Jesus, Indialantic, Florida
All men are invited!
Sign Up Today using the Form Below!
Whatever God has in store for me next, I want to say “Yes”!
Come join in faith, fellowship, and formation with brothers in Christ!
Come be inspired!
Dinner is followed by worship, John’s testimony, discussion and prayer!
John Tucker Jr. is the father of 3 young men, the grandfather of 3 beautiful grandchildren, a recovered addict and a renewed man in Christ. He came to Florida 5 years ago to recover from health issues and a year later walked into Holy Name of Jesus and found his home. After experiencing the Christ Renews Us Men’s Retreat, John is now an active parishioner serving as an adorer in Adoration, Lector, Sacristan, Eucharistic Minister and member of the Knights of Columbus.
All men are invited!
Sign Up Today using the Form Below!
We ask that you please register so that we can provide enough food and seating for all. Thank you!
Cash donations are welcomed to help cover the costs of this event or you can support us with a secure on-line donation!