Catholics are called to minister to the world, caring for and evangelizing others as the apostles did. But in order to do this successfully, we need to understand the world and our fellow man with the eyes of Christ. So how should Catholics see the world? Msgr. James Shea unpacks the mystery of this vision.
Read moreThey Will Know We Are Catholics By Our . . . Selfless Actions, Prayers & Courage →
At the age of 20, my Dad left college and entered the U.S. Military in World War II. After training as a Navigator-Bombardier in the Army Air Corps, he was assigned to the Army Air Corps 8th Air Force 401st Bomb Group (Heavy) that flew out of Deenethorpe, England. The “Heavy” indicated he was part of a B-17 crew, the planes known as the “Flying Fortress.”
Read moreTo Make Our Households Holy →
Marriage and family are the foundation of a strong, healthy society. Where marriages break up and families collapse, communities suffer the effects of instability through maladies such as crime, poverty, drug use and malaise.
Read moreWhy Men Need A Band of Brothers →
A Band of Brothers is the mutual support and accountability every Catholic man needs in his life. Men need other men to become stronger. “Iron sharpens iron, as one man sharpens another” (Proverbs 27:17). Men of similar ideals will challenge one another to greater heights than any one of them could achieve on his own. What’s more, being part of a “band of brothers” means having true friends who support one another when times get tough.
Read moreBehold, The Real Man - Authentic Masculinity →
What does it mean to be a “real man”?
Read moreHow To Pray from the Heart →
The Church has an amazing tradition of powerful vocal prayers that transcend this world into Heaven. However, sometimes we can find ourselves mouthing the words without intention. While there are some prayers that have an objective power to transcend our reality, we should always aim to pray from our hearts, inviting the Lord into them as we do.
Read moreSt. Joseph and Spiritual Warfare - Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC →
Go to Joseph! St. Joseph that is, the earthly father of Jesus, the man who God selected to teach His Son, Jesus Christ what it is to be a man. This is the man who saved Jesus from Herod’s clutches, who protected Mary and Jesus and provided for them . St. Joseph is the most powerful intercessor before God, other than Our Blessed Mother Mary. Fr. Calloway describes St. Joseph and how Consecration to St. Joseph is valuable for us men today!
Read moreHow to Stop Worrying and Live in the Present Moment →
Most of us adults do not understand the power of the present moment. We live in the past or project about the future, usually in fiercely fearful ways. We lose sight of the fact that we are not in control. We get so caught up in trying to have some semblance of control that our energies pour out as worries and preoccupations.
What can we do to calm down? How can we tame this huge tiger that wildly claws around in our minds, disrupting our sleep patterns, distressing our hopes and dreams, and denying us the peace and joy we always want in our lives?
Read moreThree Thoughts That Have Changed My Life →
Well, here are the three things that continually fill me with wonder and awe and are daily becoming the tripod on which I stand to view God, Life and Everything in Between…
1. The body is holy.
2. Marriage is an appetizer.
3. God is a Lover.
Strengthening Your Virtue Muscles - Matthew Leonard →
What does it mean to live a life of heroic virtue? Do we truly understand what the Catholic faith offers each and everyone one of us? We should be shouting it from the rooftops! Join Matthew Leonard and Bear Woznick as they explore the riches of the Catholic faith.
Read moreSt. Joseph: The Model of Manhood →
“St. Joseph was an ordinary sort of man on whom God relied to do great things. He did exactly what the Lord wanted him to do, in each and every event that went to make up his life.” ~ St. Josemaria Escriva
Recently, I have been growing in devotion to St. Joseph, the husband of Mary and foster father of Jesus. St. Joseph is the model for every man.
But, you might say, we know so little about him! How can we imitate a man we barely know? Actually, we know more about St. Joseph than you might think. Here are 5 attributes of St. Joseph that we can imitate.
Read moreInto the Breach Video Series - Masculinity →
The Church is facing a “man crisis.” Men are made for greatness. “Authentic masculinity” means to live for excellence. Mike Phelan explains how he discovered the nature of true masculinity and how to live it.
Will you step into the breach with your brothers in Christ this Lent and answer God's call to lead?
The Church is facing a “man crisis.” Men are made for greatness. “Authentic masculinity” means to live for excellence. Mike Phelan explains how he discovered the nature of true masculinity and how to live it.
Read moreSt. Joseph: A Father Like No Other →
Consider this for a second: out of every single man on the planet and, indeed, in human history…God chose Joseph to teach Jesus what it meant to be a man. God could have chosen a famous teacher or an earthly king or a fearsome military leader to raise Jesus. He didn’t. God chose a humble carpenter from a town in the middle of nowhere.
Read moreFour Ways for Catholic Fathers to Give Heroic Witness to Their Children →
As I look at my children every night before going to bed, I wonder what their futures will be: what type of vocation they’ll have, what kind of relationship they’ll have with each other. I wonder what kind of relationship they’ll have with God. And then, as I slowly leave the room and quietly close the door, I realize that the answers to those questions are contingent upon me, their father.
As a Catholic father, I have even greater demands on me, and these expectations are something I must fulfill, particularly because I vowed to follow through at each of my children’s baptisms. Now I’m far from being the father of the year (I pray that our Lord will allow me to raise my children well everyday), but with Father’s Day coming up, I’ve been thinking about how fathers, and Catholic fathers in particular, need to be bold. What does it mean to be a good Catholic father in this day and age?
I only have about four years’ experience of being a father, so this may not be much that I’ve picked up, but here are four ways we as fathers can really live out our vocation in a heroic way. Because that’s what we’re called to do: to give a heroic witness to our children.
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