Men's Night @ HNJ
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“A three-ply cord is not easily broken.”….Brothers better together
Bishop Verot Council #5845
Continuing the Journey
What is it that makes us who we are?
Fire-Fighter Rob Henry
Thursday April 28 ~ 6:30 - 8:00 PM
HNJ Life Center Café
Holy Name of Jesus, Indialantic, Florida
All men are invited!
Sign Up Today using the Form Below!
Topic: What is it that makes us who we are? How can we live with that? We will explore what we as Catholic Christian men can do to change the world around us.
Invitation: Come join in faith, fellowship, and formation with brothers in Christ as continuing the journey together we continue exploring what it means to be Catholic men in today’s world.
Rob Henry served citizens for 30 years with Brevard County Fire Rescue and currently works inflight for an airline. He is a Knights of Columbus member and enjoys helping out at our local Catholic radio station WDMC 920 AM. He was raised on the Space Coast during the Apollo days. Now as a husband and father, Rob and his family have been blessed to travel all over the world and yet at home they continue to surf, sail, fly, and shoot together as a family.
Dinner is followed by worship, Rob’s presentation, discussion and prayer! Come be inspired! Bring a friend!
All men are invited!
Sign Up Today using the Form Below!
We ask that you please register so that we can provide enough food and seating for all. Thank you!
Cash donations are welcomed to help cover the costs of this event or you can Support Us with a secure on-line donation!