Men's Night @ HNJ
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“A three-ply cord is not easily broken.”….Brothers better together
Bishop Verot Council #5845
Quiet Blessings
The Holy Spirit, Confirmation and the Church
Col Ed Barr USMC (Ret)
Thursday June 23 ~ 6:30 - 8:00 PM
HNJ Life Center Café
Holy Name of Jesus, Indialantic, Florida
All men are invited!
Sign Up Today using the Form Below!
Topic: The turmoil Catholics face living in a post-Christian society is real. Attacks against divine revelation and the teaching of Christ’s church grow by the day. How can we live in a state of gratitude?
Invitation: Come join in faith, fellowship, and formation with brothers in Christ as we contemplate our own faith journeys to uncover the quiet and hidden blessings in our lives that should bring us true joy.
Col Ed Barr USMC (Ret) is an attorney and career intelligence officer who has served as a staff officer with the CIA and as a counterintelligence Subject Matter Expert with the FBI, Tampa Division. Ed serves on the faculty of Northeastern University in Boston where he helped create a master’s in strategic Intelligence degree. He earned a Master of Theology degree from the Augustine Institute and has taught RCIA and adult education classes at HNJ since 2016.
Dinner is followed by worship, Ed’s presentation, discussion and prayer! Come be inspired! Bring a friend!
All men are invited!
Sign Up Today using the Form Below!
We ask that you please register so that we can provide enough food and seating for all. Thank you!
Cash donations are welcomed to help cover the costs of this event or you can Support Us with a secure on-line donation!