Prayer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus from St. Madeleine Sophie Barat a member of the Guard of Honor
Read moreRadiating the Divine Love →
Is holiness really attainable for you and me? Yes!
“When you know how much God loves you, then you can only live your life radiating that love.” ~ St. Theresa of Calcutta (Mother Theresa)
Read moreTen Most Common Lies from the Devil →
Our life is truly Combat, a mortal fight until the end. Our enemies are many, but especially three: the devil, the flesh and the world. This short essay has as its purpose to help us beware of the many tricks, lies, disguises, and traps of the devil, who is a liar and murderer from the beginning. With this self-knowledge and awareness, we can fight the good fight, run the good race, and eventually win the merited crown in Heaven that awaits God’s victorious soldiers.
Read morePentecost is Personal →
You’ve got the spirit — the Holy Spirit. What are you doing with it?
At the first Pentecost, ten days after Jesus ascended into heaven, the Holy Spirit descended upon the apostles in dramatic fashion, and amazing things began to happen. This ragtag band of men, who had fled when Jesus was arrested, and exhibited doubt and confusion about his mission — suddenly burst forth from the Upper Room, preaching the Good News of salvation. Pilgrims of many languages understood and were converted. The apostles baptized 3,000 new disciples that first day.
The promised Spirit had arrived, and as far as the Church’s mission of evangelization was concerned, it was “game on.”
Read moreHow To Pray from the Heart →
The Church has an amazing tradition of powerful vocal prayers that transcend this world into Heaven. However, sometimes we can find ourselves mouthing the words without intention. While there are some prayers that have an objective power to transcend our reality, we should always aim to pray from our hearts, inviting the Lord into them as we do.
Read moreThe Labors of St. Joseph →
While the Catholic Church was reeling from brutal blows, … Blessed Pope Pius IX called upon St. Joseph, declaring him the universal patron of the Church, and “imploring his intercession in all her great necessities.” This new title set the stage for Joseph to intercede in our thorny era of modern conflicts.
Read moreWhat Should We Talk to God About? Everything! →
Should we really talk to God about everything? There are a lot of different kinds of prayers (liturgical, litanies, the rosary, the chaplet of divine mercy, etc.), but today Father hones in on mental prayer.
Read moreChrist has Risen! He has Triumphed over the Enemy!
God “disarmed the rulers and authorities and put them to open shame, by triumphing over them in him” (Col 2:15).
I’m not sure what goes through your mind when you read the excerpt from Colossians above. But I do know what went through the minds of Paul’s contemporaries. A “triumph” was something like a mega-parade in an Empire filled with parades. It was a dramatic way of demonstrating the Empire’s power and dominance.
Read moreA Sacred Space For Prayer →
Practical tips for a successful daily prayer time.
Read moreMaking a Tough Decision →
It was time to make another dreaded phone call telling my wife that problems had come up and I wouldn’t be coming home the next day as scheduled. I was thousands of miles away, yet I could hear the disappointment in her voice as she tried to be understanding. She was used to this happening, but it didn’t make it any easier for me.
Read moreSt. Joseph The Worker →
Read moreHow To Question Your Faith Well →
The Catholic Church loves questions, but are we asking them for the right reasons? “10,000 difficulties do not make one doubt.” ~ St. Thomas Aquinas. In this 10-minute video, Father Mike explains how we can question our faith well.
Read moreI Am. Be Not Afraid! →
We don’t know what the future holds. We don’t know what is coming or what God might ask of us but Jesus says in the midst of it all, “I am. Be not afraid!”
Read moreThe First Thing Mother Theresa Did Every Morning →
Learn one simple step to growing in your relationship with Jesus in this 2-minute video about how one Catholic priest helped his sister begin the spiritual life. We were made for relationship!
Read moreJonathan Roumie - Personal Testimony on Divine Mercy →
Hear actor Jonathan Roumie speak on his personal testimony and encounter with Divine Mercy from the Team Catholify July 30, 2020 Mercy Night.
Jonathan—actor-director-producer & musician—is best known for his groundbreaking role portraying Jesus in the popular multi-season series The Chosen, the #1 crowdfunded media project in history.
Read moreMercy Toward Your Family →
At Ranch, this past summer a fellow captain from New York said to me something he had heard, “home is where you go when you are tired of being nice to people.” I shared this with my Exodus 90 group this past weekend and it got quite a chuckle out of everyone. The reason why it was so funny is because often it is so true.
Read moreChrist is Risen: Who Cares? - Fr. Mark Goring →
He is Risen! He is Risen indeed!! Alleluia! Alleluia!
Yes, but why do we care? How do we tell those who do not care, why we care? Fr. Mark Goring, CC has a couple of answers for us in this brief video (~15 minutes) of an Easter Vigil homily. Happy Easter!
Read moreWhat Makes Holy Week Holy? →
To be holy is to be set apart, to be sacred, to be consecrated. Holy Week is different. It is set aside from all other weeks. Our intentional choices during this week should be different. We pray with Jesus during Holy Week. We walk with Him through His Passion and suffering. We unite our sufferings with His and He saves us!
Read moreWhen the Battle Gets Tough →
When the battle gets tough…. and the battle does get very tough, we are often tempted to return to what feels like a simpler more comfortable way of life. We are tempted to retreat into our old ways. Instead, we need to burn the ships and stay the course. Watch the video to understand.
Read moreThe Chivalry of St. Joseph →
Today more than ever, the Church needs the noble strength and practical wisdom of the patron saint of fathers
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