We often say that Christian men are to be the spiritual leader of their family. What does this mean? What does it look like? What is the truth regarding Christian marriage? Discover the answers in this brief video (10:15) with Fr. Mike Schmitz. Ephesians 5:21-27
Read moreWhat's the Point of the Holy Spirit? →
Have you ever wondered what Confirmation actually does for you? Although commonly mistaken as simply a “rite of passage” for Catholics, the truth is that Confirmation equips us for something so much more important.
In this EDIFY video, Paul J. Kim explains how the gifts of the Holy Spirit are some of the best gifts you’ll ever receive. Watch here to find out why!
Read moreHow to Live Boldly and Choose Confidently →
We all want to do something great with our lives, but what do you do when you feel unable to make a decision? Fr. Gregory Pine, O.P. unpacks one virtue that’s the key to breaking free of that indecision so you can pursue the good boldly and confidently.
Read moreHoly Friendships →
During this time of Lent is a great time to nurture or begin developing our spiritual friendships which are so essential for us to continue to grow in our most important relationship with God.
Participation in a Live4More Men’s Group is a great way to develop authentic friendships with real men seeking holiness and a closer relationship with God and His people.
Read moreGet Ready! Jesus is Returning! →
In this video (22:06), Ralph Martin of Renewal Ministries talks about the necessity of readying ourselves at all times for the return of the Lord. He examines several scripture passages which tell us how to prepare for the return of Jesus.
Ralph Martin is the keynote speaker at the Live4More 2023 Men’s Conference on Saturday February 18, 2023 at Holy Name of Jesus Catholic Community in Indialantic, Florida. Reserve your free spot today!
Read moreThe Truth About Friendship →
Culturally speaking, it should be a great time for friendship. But we often experience just the opposite. In this video from EDIFY, Fr. Dave Pivonka, TOR, explains how the answer to loneliness lies in radical, soul-to-soul friendship, the way Jesus demonstrated.
Read moreWhat is God's Will for You? →
Trying to discern what God wants you to do? What are we to do while we await His guidance? Dr. Ralph Martin of Renewal Ministries walks us through the Scripture to show us what God has directed us to do. It’s actually quite clear.
Read moreThe Role of Your Guardian Angel →
Angel of God, my guardian dear, to whom God’s love entrusts me here,
Ever this day be at my side to light and guard, to rule and guide. Amen.
Read moreThe Greeting Prayer →
Holiness is not lived accidentally. Rather, holiness is lived with purpose, passion, and intentionality. Above all, however, holiness is lived with God's help and grace.
Read moreNew Song: Scott Hahn Reflects on the Nativity of the Lord →
The Church’s Liturgy rings in Christmas with a joyful noise. We hear today of uplifted voices, trumpets and horns, and melodies of praise.
Read moreGive God Your Best (Like Mary Did) →
“God will never ask you to do more than Mary did.” And what did Mary do? She said “yes”. In this video (7:17) regarding Mary’s Immaculate Conception, Fr. Mike wants us to meditate on how we can learn to say “yes” to God from the ultimate example of what a “yes” looks like: Mary, our mother.
Read moreThe One Who Is →
What are we waiting for? What are we preparing for this Christmas?
Read moreThe True Meaning of Advent →
What is the best way to prepare for the season of Advent? You’re free to do what you know will help you prepare for Christmas the best. If decorating and so forth does not help you prepare for the coming of Christ, you can be the judge of whether it’s worth doing.
Fr. Mike also wants to remind us that Advent is not just about preparing for Christmas. It’s also about preparing for Christ’s Second Coming. One day we will meet Christ face to face. Advent is the stark reminder that we need to get ready for eternity. With that in mind, Fr. Mike makes a suggestion on how we can make this Advent different. Watch and see!
Read moreSeeing The World As A Catholic →
Catholics are called to minister to the world, caring for and evangelizing others as the apostles did. But in order to do this successfully, we need to understand the world and our fellow man with the eyes of Christ. So how should Catholics see the world? Msgr. James Shea unpacks the mystery of this vision.
Read moreThey Will Know We Are Catholics By Our . . . Selfless Actions, Prayers & Courage →
At the age of 20, my Dad left college and entered the U.S. Military in World War II. After training as a Navigator-Bombardier in the Army Air Corps, he was assigned to the Army Air Corps 8th Air Force 401st Bomb Group (Heavy) that flew out of Deenethorpe, England. The “Heavy” indicated he was part of a B-17 crew, the planes known as the “Flying Fortress.”
Read moreHumility is the Remedy for Evil →
It may be said that humility is the most efficacious remedy for all evil and a most potent antidote to preserve the soul from that death and guilt which leads to everlasting perdition. And yet it is this virtue which we neglect most of all.
Read morePreparing for Battle: 7 Tips from St. Paul on Evangelization →
In the face of seemingly endless scandals in the Catholic Church, a lot of non-Catholics are asking some variation of “Why are you still Catholic?” to their Catholic friends and loved ones. Behind this question is often pain, anger, or sheer incredulity, but the silver lining is that they are asking about why we’re still Catholic, which creates an opening for evangelization. But now what?
Read moreAngels - God's Gift to Us →
The feasts of the Saints Michael, Gabriel and Raphael the Archangels on Sept. 29 and the Guardian Angels on Oct. 2 remind us to honor the angels daily and also get more acquainted with them. To help us, St. Aloysius Gonzaga wrote to share insights about our heavenly helpers and to prompt others to come to some of the same knowledge and devotion he had toward them. This saint gives several “must-knows” about angels. Here are five.
Read morePitching With a Higher Power →
Every time Major League Baseball player Trevor Williams raises his hands to deliver a pitch, a small tattoo on the inside of his left wrist — AMDG — reminds him what it’s all about: Ad majorem Dei gloriam, for the greater glory of God.
Read moreStanding by the Cross of Jesus →
Today’s Gospel for the feast of Our Lady of Sorrows brings us right to the cross. There we see Mary grieving as her son suffers a slow and torturous death. We see her grappling with unthinkable anguish of heart and mind. But notice, she was not alone.
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