It’s so easy to become frustrated with ourselves when we want to be holy but continually fall short. We fall into the trap of believing that just because we want to be saints means we should already be one.
Read moreA Prayer to St. Joseph Before Work →
It’s easy to get complacent in our places of employment, to work for the weekends or to collect a paycheck that helps us live “real” life outside of the workplace. But work should never be meaningless drudgery, nor should it be separate and contained from other aspects of our life. It should rather be an act of loving service to God, bringing glory to Him who is our Maker.
Read morePrayer is a Muscle →
Prayer is a habit, and these so-called “rote” prayers can keep us in the practice rather than leaving it up to inspiration. Prayer doesn’t always just happen, just like acts of love in a marriage don’t always just happen on their own–sometimes we do have to work at it. If prayer is a muscle, like our bodies, we can neglect to exercise it.
Read moreThe Eucharist: Source of Our Healing and Hope →
Through interviews with top Catholic speakers and inspiring portraits of lives of Eucharistic devotion, The Eucharist: Source of Our Healing and Hope (18:43) seeks to show the truth of the Real Presence and inspire Catholics to renew and deepen their devotion to Christ in the Eucharist.
Read moreA Witness For The World - Blessed Fr. Michael McGivney →
This Saturday August 13 is the official feast day of the founder of the Knights of Columbus, Blessed Fr. Michael McGivney. This video (29:46) testifies to the impact one Catholic man can have on the world when he follows the leading of the Holy Spirit and takes one small and bold step in faith. What is God leading you to do?
Read moreNothing Without The Lord - Ralph Martin →
This week, Ralph shares a short and sweet message meditating on how the Lord is always and everywhere with us and thus we are never alone.
Read moreJesus, Teach Us How to Pray →
Fr. Mike Schmitz discusses prayer in his homily (22:43) for July 24, the 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time. Abraham prays to God for mercy on Sodom and Gomorrah and the apostles ask Jesus to teach them how to pray like He prays. Fr. Mike explores the deeper meanings of Abraham’s conversation with God and what the disciples were really asking Jesus when they asked Him to teach them how to pray.
Read moreOne Percent More →
You know there's all this talk in the business world about getting one percent better. Just one percent better every day or every week or every month compounded can yield incredible results over time. Well what if we ask for that grace in our spiritual lives?
Read moreWhat is the Meaning of Life? →
God created us out of nothing, in love. He loved us into existence, and the whole reason He created us was that he wanted us to have the possibility of living with him forever, in perfect joy. The meaning of life is found in that.
Read moreHow Will You Respond? - Fr. Mike Schmitz →
What does the Christian message mean for you personally? How is God calling you today? Using a familiar story from Scripture, Father shares the invitation that Jesus makes to each one of us. Father Mike Schmitz invites us to take action. How will you respond?
Read moreJust Show Up . . . and Be Present →
Who is the most important, influential person in your life? Maybe one of your parents or your spouse or a close friend. It could be your supervisor at work or an aunt or uncle who was deeply invested in your upbringing.
Read moreSilence Is Not Absence →
In 1977, two psychologists, Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky, conducted a study to prove how easy it can be to underestimate how much time it will take to accomplish a task. They called it the “planning fallacy.”
Read moreRejoice Always! →
What should be the demeanor of our faith? To Rejoice! Daily. Rejoice always!
Read moreGospel of Love: 20 Secrets to a Holy Marriage →
Some wonderful friends got married, and as they set out on the journey toward marriage and family, they asked for my humble advice. With their permission, I thought I would share my thoughts here, for what they’re worth.
Read moreTaming the Smartphone 'Beast' in Marriage →
Two trends have long made it a challenge for couples to maintain a strong connection over the course of their marriage. Couples tend to get progressively more comfortable with each other over time. At the same time, the burdens they are asked to carry get heavier and heavier.
Read moreTime Travel and Sunday Mass →
You can probably recite every word of the Mass, but do you feel transformed when you walk out the door?
While we as Catholics know that the Mass is the source and summit of our faith, at times that knowledge can stay in our head and fail to reach our heart.
As we go to Mass every week and hear the same words, in the same building, with the same people, it can be easy to slip into the trap of it becoming routine.
Read moreConstant Thanksgiving →
Do you thank God throughout your day? For the great events and big victories? What about the small every day stuff we tend to take for granted?
Read moreJoy is the Gigantic Secret of the Christians →
“Joy is a choice, just like love. We can either chase the feeling or choose the reality.” Joy comes from the fact that you know that God is here and that you are known and loved by Him. In Fr. Mike Schmitz’s keynote address, he shares profound insights on joy. The Christian life is a pursuit of the One who loved us first, the One in whom we find our true joy.
Read moreGoodness of God →
"Pray, hope, and don't worry. Worry is useless. God is merciful and will hear your prayer." - St. Padre Pio
Read moreRise Up: For God So Loved The World →
“For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him might not perish but might have eternal life.” ~ John 3:16
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