The family is under attack in today’s culture. Not surprisingly, the forces that seek to undermine traditional family values take particular aim at fathers. Our culture attacks fatherhood by trying to make it irrelevant. However, the opposite is really the truth. A father’s role is that of a “good shepherd” who leads his wife and children to heaven. Becoming that kind of father requires a strong relationship with God through prayer and the sacraments.
Read moreLive the Virtues of a True Leader →
Men of faith are called to be leaders in their families, their communities, their workplace, and the Church. Leadership, however, is poorly understood. Too often it is equated with barking orders or occupying a position of power. Leading others may involve these elements, but that’s not what true leadership is all about.
Read moreWhy Men Need A Band of Brothers →
A Band of Brothers is the mutual support and accountability every Catholic man needs in his life. Men need other men to become stronger. “Iron sharpens iron, as one man sharpens another” (Proverbs 27:17). Men of similar ideals will challenge one another to greater heights than any one of them could achieve on his own. What’s more, being part of a “band of brothers” means having true friends who support one another when times get tough.
Read moreWhy Men Need to Pray →
Prayer is the life blood of our relationship with God. Prayer is the spiritual air that we breathe because it is as vital to our spiritual life as air is to our physical life. Without a consistent devotion to daily prayer, we simply cannot continually grow in our relationship with God and live a spiritual life dedicated to discipleship.
Read moreBehold, The Real Man - Authentic Masculinity →
What does it mean to be a “real man”?
Read moreDiscerning God's Will - St. Ignatius' 14 Rules of Discernment →
How do you discern God’s voice in your heart? How do you recognize the voice of evil seeking to lead you astray? Thankfully, Fr. Timothy Gallagher is here to help us tell the difference. We’ll examine St. Ignatius’ 14 rules of discernment and how they can transform our spiritual lives.
Read moreSurprise Me! →
By the end of his life, St. Ignatius of Loyola was pausing every hour to examine his thoughts, actions, and feelings. But it wasn’t because he was being overly scrupulous about his sins. This hourly examination flowed only from a place of surrender and love, which was almost childlike in its totality.
Read moreSeparating the Truth from the Lie →
We all know the value of retreats—of withdrawing from the world for a short time to focus on our lives in Christ. Iñigo arrived in Manresa and retreated to a cave—for eleven months! It was a difficult but crucial time in which he learned a great deal about himself. He learned to distinguish between the inspirations of the “good spirit”—the Holy Spirit—and the temptations of the “evil spirit”—or Satan. He also learned to recognize how the evil spirit was trying to derail his determination to grow closer to God.
Read moreWaking Up to the Water →
Two young fish were swimming along in the ocean one day when they encountered an older fish, who said to them, “Morning, boys. How’s the water?” The two young fish swam on, and eventually one of them turned to the other and asked, “What the heck is water?”
The point of this story? The most important realities are often the ones that are the hardest for us to see and talk about. For Christians, that means that we can “swim” through life without recognizing the presence of God—and live an unexamined life. But as Socrates once famously said, “The unexamined life is not worth living.”
Read moreNew Wine →
The Lord is calling each one of us to get away with Him. He has something to say to you. He wants to commune with you. He is inviting you to come and worship Him. Will you accept His invitation?
Read moreThe Value of Silence →
God never ignores us, but sometimes we simply can’t hear him due to all of the distractions in our life. That’s why Fr. Mike Schmitz feels it’s necessary for people to become more comfortable with silence, because silence is God’s first language, and it is in silence that we will best hear him.
Read moreStaying Focused in Prayer →
The best tips for staying focused in prayer involve the basic who and what questions, Fr. Josh Johnson says. We need to remember who we are talking with and what we are talking about. In this very brief video Fr. Josh gives some practical tips on staying focused during your prayer time.
Read moreDo You Get Distracted During Prayer? →
Do you get distracted during prayer? You are not alone. Even with four hours a day of prayer, Fr. Malachy still gets distracted. In this brief video, he shares some tips on how to handle the distractions in your prayer time.
Read moreWhy Is Prayer So Hard? →
Growing up Fr. Mike thought prayer should be like soaking in a hot tub. He didn’t understand why he found so much difficulty in prayer when he tried it.
Read moreOffering God the Little You Have →
Ever feel like you have nothing to offer? You want to be more but feel like less? Your lack of talents is holding you back from doing something big? Think like this and you’ll give up on God and settle for being stimulated and satiated by the world. What can a not-so-gifted-person do?
Read moreAre Forgotten Sins Forgiven? →
It is not unusual to forget some sins if you have not been to confession for a long, long time. Frequently, souls in this situation start remembering all sorts of sins they had forgotten. Why? Because the new grace in your soul brings with it light, humility and compunction, all of which give you the courage to recognize and confess your sins.
Read moreYour Best Ability is Availability →
Growing closer to God and experiencing His merciful love in your life is all about being fully and radically available to God. How can you make yourself available to God today?
Read moreWhen Life is at its Best →
"We can, if we will, become a saint, for God will never refuse to help us to do so." ~St. John Vianney
Read moreFour Helpful Rules for Discernment →
When we are discerning God’s will in our lives, we often get overwhelmed by the anxiety of making the right choice and don’t permit ourselves to consider what we actually want. In this video, Fr. Mike Schmitz encourages us to weigh all the choices that are open to us, good for us, wise, and desired by us. The last of the four is often overlooked, so Fr. Mike explains why it is just as important to pay attention to our heart’s desires as it is to consider the other three factors when we are discerning a decision.
Read moreOvercoming Fear at the Foot of the Cross →
Every First Friday of the month brings us a unique opportunity to reflect on the selfless love that was on display on Good Friday. While the love of Christ’s salvific act cannot be fully replicated by His followers, it was modeled in the actions at the foot of the cross, where the Blessed Mother, Saint John, and Saint Mary Magdalene stood in humble service to honor our savior during the crucifixion. Why did only three remain with Jesus?
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