We know that pride is the chief of the Seven Deadly Sins. As such, it is omnipresent at the root of other sins. Pride is defined as “an excessive love of self”. It is Satan’s downfall in his non serviam, and the first sin of mankind, through disobedience, in the garden. Pride disrupts the supernatural order by placing an individual, fallible person’s judgment and will above that of God. Essentially, it constitutes an idolatry of self. As ubiquitous as pride is, it can be the most difficult sin to diagnose.
Read moreWho's On Your Team? →
In today’s day and age, it’s easy to be connected to the entire world, to find answers to any question online, and ask the experts anything. And yet in spite of all this connectivity and knowledge, we can find ourselves isolated and lonely.
Today Fr. Mark-Mary challenges us to “prioritize, pray and pursue” a team of mentors, friends, and spiritual guides to support our growth in holiness.
Read moreJust 1 Percent →
Did you know that only 8 percent of people who have set New Year’s resolutions actually accomplish them? In fact, the majority of people give up by January 12! The reason is not that we overestimate our goals or dreams. It’s that we underestimate the impact that our daily choices and small decisions can have. And when we do that, we also underestimate what God can do in our lives.
Read moreWhy Don't I Feel Holy? →
Want to know what the #1 goal of Lent is? Believe it or not, we don't have to feel the joy of the season to reach it. Instead, we have to focus on living it! Today, Fr. Mike challenges us to go beyond performing our works of penance for selfish reasons but instead to model our prayer, fasting. and almsgiving in a way that helps us become more like Jesus.
Read moreRestlessness in Prayer →
Saint Philip Neri once said, “We must not leave off our prayers because of distraction and restlessness of mind. Although it seems useless to go on with them, he who perseveres with the whole of his accustomed time, gently recalling his mind to the subject of his prayer, merits greatly.”
Jon Leonetti will be the keynote speaker at the Orlando Diocese 2022 Rise Up Men’s Conference at St. Mary Magdalen Catholic Church in Altamonte Springs on Saturday March 26, 2022.
Read moreGazing Upon the Face of Christ
We are called to a life completely saturated in God. There is immense transformative power in simply gazing upon the face of Christ.
Why Real Men Rely Upon Grace →
This world is a battleground between heaven and hell, between good and evil — so we need to put on, as Scripture says, the full armor of God. That includes these incredibly powerful channels of grace called the sacraments. All the sacraments are gifts from Jesus, powerhouses of grace that Jesus gives us to fortify us in the spiritual battle.
Read moreLenten Challenge - Jon Leonetti →
Lenten Challenge - Lent is coming in less than a week. Jon’s challenge in this brief video (1:28) is to add some spiritual reading to our Lenten journey.
Read moreIf God is Good, Why Do We Need to Pray? →
What does prayer actually do? Since God knows everything and is unchanging, why should we pray? What do our prayers actually do? In this video (6:40), Fr. Mike discusses these age old questions.
Read moreSpiritual Battle - Fr. Jonathan Meyer →
Fr. Jonathan encourages us in the spiritual battle we face daily and describes to us the Catholic theology on angels and the realm of the angels. Did you know that if you believe in Jesus, you must believe in angels? Angels are spiritual beings created by God before humanity. They are purely spiritual beings in the realm of the invisible but very real. Fr. Jonathan shows us through Scripture just how real the angels are including our guardian angels!
Read moreSoldiers in the War Against Evil →
Husbands and fathers have a target on their backs. Their vocation is to be the providers, protectors and spiritual leaders of their families. If they don’t do their jobs well, their families become vulnerable.
Satan knows that if he can tempt men into sin, addiction, irresponsibility or complacency, their wives and children are more likely to stumble and fall as well. Men, therefore, must be particularly vigilant in protecting their families against the influence of evil.
Don’t be fearful, because Jesus Christ is far more powerful than Satan.
Read moreYou, O Man of God →
In our age of brokenness and confusion, when the value of masculinity is often looked upon with suspicion and we are asked in some social and professional settings to declare “our pronouns,” how are men to find their true identity and mission in life?
Read moreThe Secret to Sticking to a New Year's Resolution →
So you felt a strong wave of inspiration and became determined to make a New Year’s resolution. Great. Now what? In this video, Fr. Mike teaches how to strike a balance between great change and manageable consistency, so you can tackle that resolution with determination and wisdom. By starting with small steps and plotting a course of action, you will experience what it means to be faithful and become who God is calling you to be by the end of the year.
Read moreCommunal Life - We Need Each Other →
We were made for God but we weren't just made for God. God made us for one another as well. Of course God Himself is the end but we get to Him together; and as the church, the mystical body of Christ, we can't forget the importance of the communal life friends.
Note that Jon Leonetti will be the keynote speaker at the Orlando Diocese 2022 Rise Up Men’s Conference in Orlando on Saturday March 26, 2022. Also, Live4More can help you with the joining or creating a men’s group in your area suggestion. We provide free tools and on-going support. Download our Toolkit for Men’s Discipleship Groups and get started today!
Read moreTo Make Our Households Holy →
Marriage and family are the foundation of a strong, healthy society. Where marriages break up and families collapse, communities suffer the effects of instability through maladies such as crime, poverty, drug use and malaise.
Read moreGood As New →
When I was in second grade, I jumped out of a tree in the woods near my home. I landed on my feet, but the ground was uneven, so I put my hands out to help break my fall. Instead of finding bare dirt, or dried leaves, or gnarled roots, my right hand landed hard on the shards of an old beer bottle. Brown glass plunged deep into the fleshy part of my palm below my thumb.
I had had injuries before, of course. Bumps, bruises, cuts, sprains. But all those were the sorts of things that, given time, simply went away. Up to that point, healing had always meant that things get restored to the way they were before. Good as new. This gash on my hand was different. It would not just go away with time. Things were not ever going to be the way they were before. It would never be “good as new.”
Read moreThe Friend We All Want to Find →
We live in a lonely age. There are countless ways to stay digitally connected, but we remain one of the loneliest generations in human history. All of the social media accounts people spend hours a day on—I was one of them until I deleted all of them a year ago—point to the deep desire within our hearts to find and foster deep friendships with others. We are made for communion.
One way to find some of those real friends we all want to find is to participate in a men’s small group. Live4More has all the free resources and free support you need to get started and keep going. Contact us today!
Read moreDefenders of Human Life →
This culture of death requires and demands of us a spiritual response. It requires and needs men who will stand up for life, men who will stand up for the weak, the poor, the vulnerable, the elderly, the handicapped — and that begins within their own families.
Read moreGuide and Protect →
Many fathers struggle to balance marriage, children and a career. They are stretched thin and worn out, dazed and confused. Is there anyone out there who can serve as a guide?
Fortunately, Catholic dads have a model who is very effective. We have St. Joseph, the prayerful warrior. The Litany of St. Joseph acclaims him as “Joseph most prudent,” “Zealous defender of Christ” and “Terror of demons” — titles that remind us, as modern fathers, of the need to lead wisely and protect our children.
Read moreHow to Keep Your Faith Alive and Growing →
Why is it easier to fuel our faith at retreats and conferences? Can we have this same fire at home?
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